Saturday, November 15, 2014

Cereal (Ella)

Tried and failed to pay homage to one of my absolute favorite, total idols in art today, Lorraine Loots (check out her unbelievable miniature works, 365 Postcards for Ants, on her site). I love, love, love her pieces and bought her book which should be arriving in December sometime, and I can't wait. I would love to develop my watercoloring and draftsmanship skills to even remotely come close to her aesthetic. It's so charming, fantastic (in the fantasy, truly wonderful sense, as well as the colloquial), and realistic all at the same time.

"Anyway, cereal," said the super fangirl, embarrassed.

1 comment:

  1. Ahahaha, this has really become an Ella blog. I will post mine up soon!

    Just looking at the scale of this thing makes my eyes cross. And is that a Quaker logo on the top right hand corner???? *Slow clap*
