Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Magician (Ella)

I am reexamining the work of Quentin Blake, who has always been one of my earliest most beloved illustrators.

Ink and watercolor on fine grain/cold press

Magician (Monica)

I got distracted by my interest in the typeface Memoriam, and decided to blatantly and shamelessly rip off of the New York Times Magazine.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Magician (Margaret)

Decided to do this quote from an American Magician who goes by "Teller". Part of magicians' charm it seems, is the ability to make people believe lies.

Higgin's Eternal Ink on Comic Book Board, Color adjustment in Photoshop

Monday, September 15, 2014

Topic #2: Magician

The next topic is 'Magician'. Posts are due by 9/29. Have fun!

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Fairytale (Margaret)

Not a fairytale exactly, but Janghwa Hongryeon Jeon is a Korean folktale that tells the tale of two sisters who are driven by their evil stepmother to drown in a nearby pond. I was a bit frustrated while working on this and started destroying the surface, but then I liked how it seemed to eroding.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Fairytale (M)

UGH. So I greatly underestimated my scanner, which means that I can't vectorize my drawing because of the crappy resolution (100ppi. whaaaat)

Here it is scanned and cleaned. There is the major issue of the emptiness of the lower right hand corner of the piece, but this is what I get for procrastinating....

I used the font Waza as my base, then drew over it in pen. I was originally going to write "Once upon a time" but decided to use "Happily ever after" because I wanted to write in a curly script, and I thought this phrase would work better with the aesthetic.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Fairytale (Ella)

What? I am never early for anything.

I loved the "Three Billy Goats Gruff" when I was a kid. Maybe it's not quite a "fairytale" but I liked this idea. So I did it. Subtitles could include "Technology Ruins Everything" or "Angry Goats are No Match for Angry Birds".

- Ella, 09.13.14

Graphite on a marker pad; maybe it's Bristol? Approx. 5" x 7"